
The Wellbeing Classroom

CareWorks is pleased to share in a partnership with Elizabeth Church of Christ, Northern Communities of Hope,
Schools Ministry Group and the Swallowcliffe Primary School to resource “The Wellbeing Classroom”.

The Wellbeing Classroom is directed to at-risk children and communities, and provides an holistic approach to child development
that puts the child’s wellbeing at the centre of the classroom, and takes into account health, relationships, family and community networks.

The program provides resources to support the classroom teacher’s capacity to create a safe learning environment
and wellbeing for each student, despite the prevalence of chronic stress and trauma in their lives.

CareWorks will facilitate the funding (from the Bright Fund – a fund set aside to assist children in their education),
Schools Ministry Group will facilitate the program and employ a classroom facilitator,
and the two Churches will support the program in prayer, through pastoral care, family days and relationship building activities.

Research shows a good education is an important factor in empowering people to lead successful and productive lives.
Through this program, we aim to help keep young people engaged in school and the learning process.

The Wellbeing Classroom grew out of an academic project to support a Year 2 – 3 teacher to respond constructively
to the needs of a class that included several chronically stressed and traumatized
6 to 8 year-old children.  

 Click here to watch the Schools Ministry Group Video  

